Sunday, January 24, 2010

“Promise small, Deliver big.”

I guess we should get this blog a rollin with a slight description of what I have been working on and the materials that I use. I am a traditional artist who specializes in watercolor and gouache. Now, when it comes to materials I generally stick with Winsor Newton products but break away when it comes to the surface I use. Strathmore 4 ply Bristol Board…I just love the way the paint responds on it. I recommend it to all artists just for an experiment.
Currently I have been working for Moonstone Publishing who produce 50s style comics for a modern audience, as well as other stuff. I enjoy about ninety percent of their back catalog, especially Rotten. It is a traditional Cowpokein, Bank Robbin, preacher screamin Americanized Wild West story…with zombies! Think Deadwood meets Night of the Living Dead. The project I have been assigned to complete is a “super-hero” team up for an upcoming graphic novel. I cannot state any names at this point in time; however I can state that I am responsible for the cover art. The motivating aspect about a small project like this is that it always leads to bigger jobs, if you complete it on time and can deliver twice on what you promised. “Promise small, Deliver big.” –William Bryant
The final comprehensive has been completed and for the past 2 days the new incentive has been painting. The total time thus far has been about 15 hrs of work and the Black and white underpainting will be finished by tomorrow so I can wrap this whole thing up. Well that about does it today as I am trying to keep these short and sweet. Next time I write I shall include some of the images and answer any question I may receive. Signing off.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

First Blog!!

This will be my first blog ever so I guess I should start with the date. It is Jan. 23 2010. This blog will be dedicated to the company Stephen Bryant Productions. Talking about the projects I am working on, release dates, upcoming events and appearance, and whatever happens to be on my mind that day. Also from time to time I will be displaying behind the scenes images of my process. I hope this is a great experiment! Feel free to email me at
